Shipping Brings Goods
Indeed, today our day started as it always does:
The alarm clock rang at 6:00
(by the way: made in Hong Kong),
I jumped out of bed
(made in Sweden),
slipped into my slippers
(made in India),
prepared coffee
(made in Colombia),
got my favorite cup
(made in China)
and sat on my rattan chair
(made in Indonesia)...
As you may have noticed:
everything I use,
comes from far away.
Although I bought it here,
it was produced somewhere else.
And, it was transported here, from all four corners of the globe. Transported on ships, which are operated by people.
By people from all over the world, with many different skin colors, who belong to diverse cultures and religions.
These people, the seafarers, make their money by transporting goods from A to B.
For example, from Alexandria to Hamburg.